So we're doing pretty good lately and we've been pretty busy. Michael has been finishing up the semester and it's just been crazy around here with the kids. We were sick off and on for a while and I'm just ready for a change, but that is another story.
This was the annual Easter egg hunt at my grandma's house. I tried to do Noelle's hair like princess leia. She had a star wars birthday party afterward to go to. It was pretty cool! |
Mikey's first Easter egg hunt. Last year he was asleep during the hunt. He had fun, although he was a little sick. |
This year Michael couldn't come to the Easter egg hunt. He was really sick that weekend and ended up staying in bed for like 5 days straight. Hopefully we won't have to do that again. That was pretty miserable for everyone. |
Both boys were sick on Easter Sunday so it was just me and Noelle going to church. |
Noelle's friend Zuki turned 5 and had an awesome party at this arcade/game place. It had all sorts of games for all ages. It was perfect! They also did go karts and that was so much fun! |
One of Noelle's favorite games. I was surprised at how much she liked it! |
We made homemade stamps one day with milk jug caps and foam stickers. Noelle loved it! |
Playing at the fun City Creek play area near the food court |
Wreck it Ralph is our new favorite movie! We just love it! After getting it a total of 4 or 5 times from redbox Noelle decided that she didn't like "giving it back." As much as I would just love to go and get it (because I probably like it just as much as my kids do) I needed a reason. So I made a Wreck it Ralph chart. Every time she did something without being asked or I caught her doing something good she got a sticker. For a few days she was doing tons of stuff. It slowed down a little but not very much. She filled up that chart so fast. Her and Mikey were so excited to get it. Mikey goes around saying "RA! Ra!" For "Ralph" Next chart I make will have more squares :) |
Speaking of Wreck it Ralph. Noelle and I made this tower. It was really hard to get Mikey to not wreck it! He's our little wreck it ralph. :) |
Mikey put this on Noelle's head during one of her rare naps. |
They have been playing so well together lately. I love it! |
Noelle and her friend Zuki had a little hot chocolate party. Complete with necklaces, tutus, play make up and treats. |
At the park during one of our walks. Let the season of the walks begin! |
Noelle started soccer and she has a lot of fun. She doesn't really know what she's doing but she's happy and having fun and learning about something constructive. So all of that is a plus! |
Me and a few close friends went to Park City for a night. We went up
Saturday afternoon and came back Sunday evening. We ate out, shopped,
went to a movie, relaxed in a hot tub, relaxed some more, painted our
nails, and had lots of fun! Another friend of ours was going to come
but she had been sick for so long and was still recovering. We miss ya Alyssa! Hopefully we can do it again soon with you there too!
I had to take a picture of this place in park city. Last time I was there was February 2002 with my good friend Jamie. We stood in line to try and get those famous 2002 Olympic beret. We never ended up getting one. That was one of the funnest times I had with her before she passed away a couple months later that year. I can't help but feel a little close to her when I was there. |
The fabulous women I went with. Michelle, Me, Harmony and Natalie! It was a much needed mini vacation. |