Starting tomorrow I am staring the Dr. Fuhrman/Eat to live diet for SIX weeks. Tomorrow I plan on weighing myself and measuring myself with the help of my husband :). I plan to just weigh myself once a week. During the next six weeks my goal is to workout four times a week. More would be great but I think 4 times a week is very realistic for me right now. I have a lot to lose so I feel that in the next six weeks I can lose 20lbs.
Giving myself this six week goal helps me to feel positive and motivated. Let's be honest to get down to a healthy weight I have A LOT to lose and it will take me a while to get there. When I look at how far I have to go it just gets me discouraged. If I can stick to one six week goal at a time it feels much more doable and something I can really focus on and put all my effort in to.
I'm sick of wasting my energy and time on being discouraged with how I look. I've done really well on being okay with where I'm at and loving my life even though I am overweight. However, during the past few weeks I have felt physically and emotionally crummy. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but myself but that is exactly how it feels to me. I enjoy food and eating but lately whenever I put something greasy and sweet in to my mouth I just feel yucky. My body has just been craving good healthy food and it is time for a change. We are also trying for baby #3 and even though I want it to happen very soon it might not. And quite honestly I have no idea when it will happen. I would like to think that it will happen somewhat fast like baby #1 and #2 but I feel lots older this time around and I'm definitely heavier. So why not get myself a little healthier before my body starts creating another cute little human being.
That is all! Watch for updates now and then with my progress :)!