Friday, September 19, 2008

Pregnancy Comments and Gratitude

So things are good... My blood pressure is lower and according to the doctor everything is on track. I’m 26 weeks and it finally feels more like I am making progress in this pregnancy. A little while ago someone thought that I was having twins. Those who know me and have been pregnant before understand why at first that statement isn’t the most flattering. Most people are surprised when I say I’m due at the end of December, they think I should be due sooner. I’ve gotten plenty of comments on how terrible it will be to have a baby born around Christmas and how we will have to make their day extra special. And the advice from people I hardly know keeps on coming every time I go to church or work. At first all of this really bugged me and irritated me. I don’t get mad very often but some of these women would make me really angry. But when I take a minute and let all those comments pass and really think about the little girl inside me everything just seems to go away. I’m so grateful to have her and a husband who is so loving and caring in every way. Things haven’t been easy in a number of ways and it’s funny how Heavenly Father tries you and tests you to help you to become more grateful. I got this quote on an email the other day that I wanted to share.

"Tribulations are frightening. And yet the Lord said: 'Be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours." 'And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious' (D&C 59:7)."The kind of gratitude that receives even tribulations with thanksgiving requires a broken heart and a contrite spirit, humility to accept that which we cannot change, willingness to turn everything over to the Lord--even when we do not understand, thankfulness for hidden opportunities yet to be revealed. Then comes a sense of peace."When was the last time you thanked the Lord for a trial or tribulation? Adversity compels us to go to our knees; does gratitude for adversity do that as well?"President David O. McKay observed, 'We find in the bitter chill of adversity the real test of our gratitude . . . , which . . . goes beneath the surface of life, whether sad or joyous. '
~Bonnie D. Parkin, "Gratitude: A Path to Happiness," Ensign, May 2007, 35 36

I am grateful for the things in my life that make me who I am and shape me in to more of the person that Heavenly Father wants me to be. I’m grateful for the power of prayer. Sometimes it’s hard to know that our prayers are working and really being heard but I know they are because we have a Father who loves us and knows what is best for us. And I’m grateful to everyone in my life who,in little and big ways, help me to see who I am.


Cassie said...

Oh Linz!!! I hated every pregnancy comment, I don't understand why people say some things, especially if they have already had a baby and know what its like!!! One lady the last week I was pregnant said "oh your face is looking puffy I retained a lot of water like that too, I was huge!" What was that suppose to mean, that I was huge??! I was soo mad, how inconsiderate of people. That comment made me lose it when I went home and I remember saying Heavenly Father please let me just have this baby I feel so ugly! Anyway just hang in there, and touch your belly lots I already forgot what my tummy felt like!! Love ya!

DeHaan-Lybbert Familia said...

you're a special girl lins. I bit you just look beautiful. I used to get asked if I was pregnant, I wasn't, I live in Rexburg and I'm married so they figure. Funny how people don't think before they speak. But you're going to be a wondeful mother and I know you look just so pretty.

Brittany Crane said...

Hey Linds I'm so gad I'm finally commenting on your blog. I always want to but I'm constantly nursing and it's hard to type with one hand. haha. Anyway, I want to see pictures of your little belly! I know I can't believe I just asked that question because I hated it when people asked me. :) I love the name you picked. I remember telling Ben at one point that Noelle was a beautiful name we should consider. Good Choice!!!! She will be sooo beautiful I can't wait to see her. Only a couple more months. My little Hallie just started smiling this past week and it makes all the sleepless nights worth it! Oh, and I get tons of advice from older women too. It really bothers me-Ben told me that I don't have to listen to any of it if I don't want to because I'm her mom. So now I just smile and say thank you-although I still groan inside. Anyway, keep posting updates I love to read them.