I haven't been very good at blogging lately. Sorry about that. A little over a week ago we bought this little pool for Noelle. It's perfect for her size and because she is still learning to sit up on her own. (She is so close to perfecting it). She loves the water and loves to splash. It's been a really good thing because her helmet has to be on all day and this gives her a little extra break from it. Also because it has been so dang hot lately. This last Friday I came back from a mini camping trip with Noelle. My extended family has a huge reunion that we call Clayson Camp. It's a week long and usually we would go up the full week but Michael had to work so it would just be me with Noelle. So we decided to go up Wednesday and come back Friday. The first day was a little crazy. It was hot and Noelle was still getting used to her helmet. That night was okay and Noelle maybe slept 7 hours, keeping me up most of the night and my little sister who was sharing the tent with us. I was about ready to throw in the towel until we went to Payson Lake, a lake near where we camp. We put Noelle in it a little bit and she liked it but it was really cold. I got in the water and it felt so good. My aunt also gave me some medicine. Both of these things gave me a burst of energy and I was ready to stay another night. That night she slept so well. I kept waking up to check on her. My family helped me out SOOOO much and I'm so grateful to them. I'm glad I did it and we had fun but I don't think I am going to take a baby camping in a tent again without my husband.
This is Noelle's new pool. She was really tired this day but she loved the water and sticking these toys in her mouth.
This is Noelle's new pool. She was really tired this day but she loved the water and sticking these toys in her mouth.
Thanks Dad!