Wednesday, November 9, 2011

puts a smile on my face

A couple of nights ago before bedtime I asked Noelle what she wanted to watch. She said "Harry Potter!" I didn't know if I heard her correctly. I kept asking "Are you sure you want to?" With a smile on her face she would say "Yes!" We've been having a rough couple of weeks with some disobeying and defiance and sometimes I feel like I'm not on her good side. But she knows I love Harry Potter and it's almost as if she was saying in her own way "Mommy I know you love Harry Potter, so I want to watch it to make you happy." She watched a good 20 minutes. The next morning she asked to watch it again and then again tonight before bed. Hmmmm....Is this the start of a new favorite movie trend? Whatever it is, it puts a smile on my face :). At the beginning part of HP 1, when you first see his lightning scar Noelle looks at me and says "He has an owie mommy." She looked concerned for him. For the last little while we have been playing with her and we've taught her to point a "wand" and say "wingardium leviosa" and "stupify," and those are just a couple of the many spells she has learned. So today when we watched the part when they were learning the spell "wingardium leviosa" she said it out loud and quite clearly I might add. She was so proud and so was her mama!

Here is a picture of Noelle enjoying her Harry Potter

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