Sunday, June 13, 2010


So we have still been doing our date every week. It got postponed and changed around a little bit when my sister came home from her mission. Over the last little while we have seen Iron Man 2 and Robin Hood. We liked both a lot. Michael got this game called Settlers of Catan for his birthday. So the last two Fridays we've actually played this game. Michael loves this game and honestly I never had a desire to play it because everyone got so competitive. Then we played it, just the two of us, and it's so much fun and kind of addicting. A two player game goes by really fast but it's fun to see who will win. Sometimes I can be a little bit of a poor sport, I'm working on that. Anyway. We have a very fun date coming up that I will write about later.

(You really should check out this game if you've never heard of it or played it. It's a strategy game but not as intense or long as Risk.)

on a side note I'm realizing that me and Michael don't have very many pictures together lately. I always think of taking pictures of Noelle but never us two. So that is something I am going to be working on-taking everyday pictures of the two of us.

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