Some questions from the list: Would you rather...
...lick a toilet
...wear the same outfit for the rest of your life
Some of our own questions: Would you rather...
Lindsey's: the Twilight series everyday for the rest of your life (cause Michael has never touched them and never will)
Michael's: ...Eat spam (cause I hate this word so bad. I hate the look of it, the sound of it, everything. He wrote this down on five different slips of paper and it bugged me cause most of them I would choose eating spam. ahhh.)
Michael then wanted to play a game of Monopoly. He loves this game and he's really good at it. Well we started and because there are only two of us I had the opportunity to buy all of the railroads which I did and I got boardwalk as well. Every turn Michael paid me something and finally he landed on boardwalk which I had a hotel on and owed me $2000. He couldn't pay and went bankrupt and I WON! I never beat him at games like this and I did and was pretty happy. Plus I got to put my name in the trophy.
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