Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Unexpected news

Don't worry. Not too unexpected. I went in for a doctors appointment last week and everything was looking good. Blood pressure-great! Protein-none! Gestational Diabetes-not even close! I guess I was just preparing myself for the opposite. Maybe that will change in the next few weeks, maybe not. Baby Michael's heartbeat was good and the unexpected news was that I was measuring bigger than 29 1/2 weeks. I was surprised to hear that but not at the same time. I feel huge and I'm expecting this little guy to be tall like his daddy. At this time last pregnancy Noelle was measuring a little small and so I guess I was expecting the same thing. However next week we'll get an ultrasound done and really see how big he is. My doctor sure has been on top of things. My doctor was wonderful last time and obviously he caught all the danger before it got too bad, but this doctor has been a little more on top of it. Plus I have definitely been more active this pregnancy (even though I'm physically more sore) and I've tried to not eat too many salty foods (which helps a ton with the blood pressure). Last time I had a c-section and this time around I've expressed to my doctor that I really want to try the "normal" way. I'm not opposed to a c-section if that is the best option for me and the baby but I would really like to feel a contraction and labor. I didn't feel any of that AT ALL last time. And I know some of you are thinking "why?" but that's just what I want. Because he is measuring big she's not going to let me go to my due date which is August 8th. So if he hasn't come on his own by the end of July she is either going to induce me or we'll be getting the c-section. That is if everything keeps going the way it's going. So that means he's coming in 9 weeks or less. That is crazy to me. And I still have so many things to do and get ready for. Right now I'm just trying to be positive and not stress. So many things are going through my head right now, not just with this pregnancy but with a whole lot of other stuff as well. Anyway. That's the update, in case any one wanted to know :).


Heather Thorup said...

That is great you are doing well! I hope that you can have him normally, but as long as he is healthy I'm sure you won't mind either way. Do you have clothes and a carseat and stuff? Did you get another baby shower since it's a boy?

Kari said...

Yay for big babies this time! Not to rain on your parade, but I would be very catious of trying for a VBAC and being induced. My doctor is very pro VBAC but absolutely will not induce someone trying to VBAC. I hope it goes well for you and get to do it "natural". I get to have my 3rd c-section.

Rachel said...

I had a VBAC with Tabitha. I went into labor with Emily, but she ended up never dropping, and I had an unplanned c-section. I really wanted to deliver Tabitha naturally. So I understand about wanting to feel contractions. Good luck! It is so exciting you are having a little boy.

sweets said...

That is great that things are going so well. im glad you like the docter. i love that place.